Be Productive!
So a few weeks ago my friend and I decided to just have an art night. Nothing fancy just hanging out drawing, watching some movies, kicking it. That turned into a whole night with some other friends coming over and pretty much became a full fledged night of creativity. Some homies were drawing, others were playing drums and guitar with some Cee-Lo-Fuck You karaoke in the background (thank you Ryan. Legit!) and overall.... being productive!! Nice! I happened to buy some canvas's earlier so was sketching on those and that whole week I was hooked on this new Kanye West song "Monster".
I got the song from a friend and haven't heard it on the radio yet and loved it so I've been blasting my speakers listening to it. I just think everyone's lines are sick, beat is awesome, and I love rapping to it like it was me. haha So from that I was inspired and wanted to do a piece and managed to knock something out that I like. Fast forward 2 weeks later and I made these two connecting pieces. Check it out and hope you like. ONE.

11" x 14"

11" x 14"

As a set $100