Wednesday, January 26, 2011


It is hard to stay focused sometimes on work in this hustle and bustle world. There are so many distractions like work, family and friends, hobbies, relationships, stupid errands, awesomeness of life, etc. I came across a new way to approach things and it seems like it can be really beneficial if done correctly.

My good friend Rich over at turned me onto this method to help myself continue to stay focused on future goals. I have done this in other forms the past few years that have worked for me, but this outlined annual review version seems more helpful in the long run. It is a great way to stay on top of goals you set for yourself in the year and to keep them moving throughout. Basically the idea is to create an outline of the upcoming year of goals you want to accomplish and the necessary steps to keep it going. This isn't a New Years resolution cause most people just say it and lose sight of it after like a month into the year. Having taken the time to write it down and actually figure out the steps to get it done is the way to go. Keeps you in check!
Here is the link that explains it all in depth along with a spreadsheet, tips, and other outlines to get the job done. Annual Review

Looking over my goals and what I want to accomplish I can't help but be exciting. I look forward to kicking ass and taking names this year and I know it is going to be one of my most challenging years in every aspect. I accept the challenge and can't wait to look back come December!

Year of the Hustle

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